Nohea Gallery opened last year after having been forced to move from Ward Warehouse, they opened up at the Hyatt, but the shop is tiny and cannot do justice to all the wonderful art they have had over the years. I am fortunate that they have been so supportive of my art since my return home and was honored when asked to join their mini show last week. The show is up through the month of May but there are things you can find year round. I have a few of my mini-bonsai watercolors done last spring in Japan and a few other small pieces around the island as well as two new pieces created during the Wahi Pana Art Creation Event during March 8-10 on the West Side. Please support the arts and take a friend, or go down and buy yourself a present to continue to have a local arts outlet run by lovers of artists. I don’t know how many manekineko aloha cats I have bought over the years as gifts for friends who don’t get to live in Hawai’i nei like the rest of us.