Palama Settlement Celebrates 125 years of service on Oct 8th
I first started volunteering teaching watercolor to keiki 7-11years old at Palama Settlement shortly after I moved back home from Sweden in 2014. I enjoyed seeing their faces light up […]
I first started volunteering teaching watercolor to keiki 7-11years old at Palama Settlement shortly after I moved back home from Sweden in 2014. I enjoyed seeing their faces light up […]
COVD19 has been increasing across the world and country and now here in Hawai’i. Palama Settlement closed all its programming and we decided to pilot two classes online for Total […]
The Joy of Being an Absolute Beginner I started teaching Beginning Watercolor to kupuna (seniors) at Palama Settlement as an expanded program for their senior activities last year. Palama began […]
Palama Settlement offers classes for active kupuna such as sewing, line dance, hula, ukelele, etc. This spring we are offering clay and watercolor classes too! I will lead a 6 […]
Palama Settlement offers classes for active kupuna such as sewing, line dance, hula, ukelele, etc. This spring we are offering clay and watercolor classes too! I will lead a 6 […]
Palama Settlement offers classes for active kupuna such as sewing, line dance, hula, ukelele, etc. This spring we are offering clay and watercolor classes too! I will lead a 6 […]
Palama Settlement offers classes for active kupuna such as sewing, line dance, hula, ukelele, etc. This spring we are offering clay and watercolor classes too! I will lead a 6 […]
Palama Settlement offers classes for active kupuna such as sewing, line dance, hula, ukelele, etc. This spring we are offering clay and watercolor classes too! I will lead a 6 […]
Palama Settlement offers classes for active kupuna such as sewing, line dance, hula, ukelele, etc. This spring we are offering clay and watercolor classes too! I will lead a 6 […]