Supporting the arts
When I returned home, I was happy to hear that one of my kūpuna watercolor students from Palama Settlementʻs Kūpuna Art Program had one of her paintings juried into the […]
When I returned home, I was happy to hear that one of my kūpuna watercolor students from Palama Settlementʻs Kūpuna Art Program had one of her paintings juried into the […]
After Kanehūnāmoku was installed, my husband and I took our first transatlantic cruise from New York to Europe. I enjoyed exploring each new country and we walked for hours until […]
The Hawai’i Watercolor Society Members Juried show opened on March 2020 and was supposed to be held at the space Arts at Marks Garage. Due to COVD19 it was held […]
Turning Stories into Life Changing Lessons The Total Life Recovery Program (TLR) at the only Women’s Community Correctional Center in Hawaii is a faith-based, gender specific program that addresses every […]