The new tv series HIonART produced by former Hawaii State Senator Wil Espero and producing partner Fred Vanderpoel premiered Saturday July 20th featuring artists Ruben Aira Jr, Jodi Endicott, Estria Miyashiro, Richie Lucero, Anne Namba and myself. The second episode aired this past Saturday featuring more local artists and each week will feature new artists in a variety of media and backgrounds to showcase the diversity in Hawai’i.
The format lets the artists speak about their process, their passions, and offer some insights into their practice and words of encouragement to other makers. I like the concept and hope it will continue because as an artist is it fascinating to listen to others about their process and practice and the surprise of delight and wonder of discovering something new.
They are just getting started and while I knew of three of the artists in my episode it was inspiring to see the surfboard repurposed artwork of Aira. It is also refreshing to the palette to see makers expressing themselves visually and an alternative to music and food, which Hawai’i also rightly has a richness to be proud of.
Watch the episodes here if you missed them. I am the last artist on episode one. What do you think of the show?